eLearning Forum

The next meeting of the eLearning Forum will be on 23rd January in the Enterprise Zone from 12.30 – 14.00. Lunch will be provided. The topic for the forum is electronic marking and will discuss the three ways this can be done at Stirling:

(i) A method that allows the downloading of the submissions in Succeed, marking usning Word (comment/track-changes) and finally a mechanism to return the marked work to the students.

(ii) Turnitin’s GradeMark tool (available when using Turnitin)

(iii) Succeed’s Crocodoc tool (part of the Succeed Assignment Tool)

Note that method (i) allows for offline marking whereas (ii) and (iii) require an internet connection.

As lunch is being provided we need to know who is planning on coming along. Please let Kirsteen Young (via email) if you wish to attend: kirsteen.young@stir.ac.uk